Business Knowledge With IT Expertise

If you’re running a small-to-medium-sized business (SMB) and need a proactive, trusted advisor who can help you manage your networks, backup and recovery systems as well as help guide you through future IT planning, then look no further.

DSR, Inc. offers professional virtual CIO (vCIO) services to help you reach your company objectives by focusing on how to deliver efficiency and productivity though the strategic use of technology.  We help you plan, evaluate, execute and deliver all phases of technology.

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"What we really need in IT is someone who can actually drive initiatives."

DSR’s Virtual CIO advisory service provides you with the trusted advice and sound planning you need to stay one step ahead in today’s commercial environment.

  • Examine internet or telephone contracts to identify unused services and potential cost savings
  • Current infrastructure audit
  • Annual strategic review of IT budgets and goals
  • Comparative vendor analysis
  • Overarching strategy development (either for third-party implementation or implementation by DSR Solutions)
  • Deciding whether upgrades are necessary and feasible (for instance, PC upgrades)

Access managerial expertise when you need it

Technology is constantly evolving. You need someone with an ear to the ground. Will your current solutions work for a critical problem or obstacle next year, and how about in five years? These are considerations that are best handled by a big picture thinker who understands both technology and business goals. Are you looking for solutions that go beyond what your IT department offers? You don’t need to sacrifice. Simply use a vCIO.

Please contact DSR today to setup a conversation with our top-notch specialists to review your Virtual CIO needs.